Camera Angles Analysis | wolfcrow - Part 2
Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Movement: Clint Eastwood, Gran Torino “Finger Gun” Scene

An analysis of the “finger gun” scene from Gran Torino.

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Movement: No Country for Old Men “Coin Toss” Scenes

How the Coen brothers used camera angles and movement in the coin toss scenes in No Country for Old Men.

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Movement: Pedro Almodóvar’s All About My Mother

An analysis of All About My Mother – Camera Angles and Movement, Blocking and Color.

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Movement: Tavern Scene from Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in the West

A comprehensive analysis of the tavern scene in Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in the West.

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Blocking: “Iruvar” by Mani Ratnam

I show you how Mani Ratnam used camera angles and blocking to define and explain the friendship and rivalry between two friends in India’s finest feature film, Iruvar.

Camera Angles Analysis

Alien: How Ridley Scott Covers a Dialogue Scene

I show you how Ridley Scott sets up the three dining area scenes – two at the beginning, and the third at a major plot point.

Camera Angles Analysis

The Steven Spielberg “L System”

How does Steven Spielberg get such visually rich frames? Maybe it’s because he uses the “L System”.

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles Movement: Rules of the Game, by Jean Renoir

A masterclass in blocking and camera movement from the great Jean Renoir, in Rules of the Game.

Camera Angles Analysis

Blade Runner 2049 Scene Analysis

I analyze one specific scene from Blade Runner 2049:

Camera Angles Analysis

Camera Angles and Movement: “This is America” by Childish Gambino

The secret camera techniques from Donald Glover’s awesome music video.