Filmmaking Essays Free | wolfcrow
Filmmaking Essays Free

The Secret Visual Language of Taxi Driver

It turns out the rear view mirror and the colors used in Taxi Driver reveal the actual intention of Martin Scorsese.

Filmmaking Essays Free

Why David Fincher used Warm Colors for this Horrific Scene

Why is the final scene in Seven, one of the most horrific scenes ever put up on screen, shot on a sunny evening at golden hour?

Filmmaking Essays Free

Why Blade Runner still looks a Billion Bucks

What did Ridley Scott have to do to make Blade Runner so different that it looks like a billion bucks even today?

Filmmaking Essays Free

Gems of Tamil Art Cinema

10 of the best Tamil Art Cinema, the industry should be proud of.

Filmmaking Essays Free

Gems of Telugu Art Cinema

10 of the best Telugu Art Cinema, the industry should be proud of.

Filmmaking Essays Free

Contrast in Cinema

Everything you need to know regarding to the C-word in cinema!

Filmmaking Essays Free

Gems of Kannada Art Cinema

10 of the best Kannada Art Cinema, the industry should be proud of.

Filmmaking Essays Free

Ten films from Italian Neo Realism which inspired Martin Scorsese

A guide to the best Italian films of the Neo Realist Movement which inspired Martin Scorsese.

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Hidden Gems of Marathi Cinema

A must-watch list of 10 thought-provoking Marathi films for the cinephile in you!

Filmmaking Essays Free

Gems of Malayalam Art Cinema

A collection of 10 must watch Malayalam Independent Art Films for every filmmaking student!