Sony FX9 | wolfcrow
Camera Comparisons

5 Best Cameras for filmmaking under $11,000

Looking for a camera for filmmaking under $11,000? Here are the best cameras under $11,000 for your work.

Camera Comparisons

Sony FX6 vs Sony FX9

Same company, Similar cameras. Too similar?

Camera Comparisons

Sony FX9 vs Canon C300 Mark III: Which is the Better Camera for Filmmaking?

Both the Canon C300 Mark III and Sony FX9 are capable cameras, but which is better for solo shooters and for cinema use?

Best Cine Lenses Info How to Find the Right Lenses

Best Cine Prime Lenses for the Sony FX9

What are the best cine prime lenses for the Sony FX9? Here’s the list!

Camera Comparisons

Sony FX9 vs Canon C500 Mark II: Which is the Best Camera for Video and Filmmaking?

Both the Canon C500 Mark II and Sony FX9 are capable cameras, but which is the better camera and value for professional video?