YUV | wolfcrow
MEM Color Grading

Should you raise Bit Depth and Color Space before Color Grading?

Want to avoid poor quality web videos? You need to know if it’s worth working in a higher bit depth or color space.


What is Full Swing, Studio Swing; and How to Work with Video Levels in Adobe Premiere Pro? (Part One)

The simplest explanation of what studio swing and full swing is, and how they are different.

MEM Cinematography Jargon Explained

Don’t be Confused between RGB 444 and Y’CbCr 444

Are these two different things, or the same thing? These are two different things. Let’s think of three pipes, each designed to carry orange juice over many miles. The engineers who designed these pipes took into account the acidic nature of orange juice, and all the other miniscule but important problems. Feeling thirsty? The cool […]

MEM Cinematography Jargon Explained

What’s the difference between YUV, YIQ, YPbPr and YCbCr?

The simplest explanation of YUV, YIQ, YPbPr and YCbCr, how they are different, and which one you should pay the most attention to.